Dec. 15, 2020 by Daniel Farber

Restoring Agency Norms

This post was originally published on Legal Planet. Reprinted with permission.

Donald Trump prided himself on his contempt for established norms of presidential action. Whole books have been written about how to restore those norms. Something similar also happened deeper down in the government, out in the agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that do the actual work of governance. Trump appointees have corrupted agencies and trashed the norms that support agency integrity. It will take hard work to undo the harm. White House leadership is important, but success will require dedicated effort by the agency heads appointed by Biden.

Scientific integrity. The role of science is the most obvious example of norm busting under Trump. Whether it is EPA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Trump administration shoved aside mainstream scientists in favor of ideologues and fringe figures. Agencies need to adopt stringent scientific integrity standards and ensure that good science won't be squelched in favor of political expediency.

Ethics rules. Much stricter ethics standards are also necessary. The Trump administration was notorious for conflicts of interest, as it …

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Dec. 15, 2020

Restoring Agency Norms